A Bridge from Darkness to Light with Lani Risto

March 4, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
SpiritUs Reiki Center
4170 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89103

Shamanic Weekend Workshop
Part 1: Shamanic Extraction
Learn Shamanic journeys and practices that release non-living negative energy that we can collect from living our day to day life.
Negative energy such as: *Beliefs * Reoccurring thoughts * Habits * Addictions *Patterns *Projections *Expectations *Judgements (Does not include curse removal)

Call Laini 702-308-8464 or email info@shamanicsong.com

Prerequisite: Must have taken a Beginning Shamanic 2 day Workshop
These workshops will be offered again next year. They do not need to be taken together although It is highly recommended that you take Shamanic extraction first.